Dhruv Rathee, the man who will keep asking the tough questions

Rathi believes that the fight against authoritarianism has been fought by millions of Indians, including independent journalists like Ravish Kumar, Akash Banerjee, Abhisar Sharma and Ajit Anjum. He makes special mention of the leading women journalists in this fight, such as Poonam Agarwal, Manisha Pandey, Arfa Khanum Sherwani, Faye D’Souza, Meena Kotwal, Sangpriya Sangwan, Pragya Mishra, Fatima Khan and Meera Devi etc.

He also named social media influencers like Dr Medusa, Ranting Gola and Neha Singh Rathore, and admitted that he cannot name the countless others who fought the good fight.

What if the BJP wins? And what if the opposition succeeds in forming the government? He will continue to ask questions because until discrimination ends and people are treated equally, there will always be scope for improvement.

Rathi concluded by saying that every Indian must contribute to making the country better. Carry a water bottle to reduce plastic use, buy directly from farmers and local products as much as possible; and above all, get rid of communal, casteist and classist mindsets.